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Why people are turning to CBD for stroke

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is believed to have neuroprotective actions that can be used in the treatment of neurological disorders, such as cerebral ischemia. CBD for stroke purported ability to protect against neurological damage has led researchers to examine its effectiveness in treating ischemic strokes.

In 2010, the Journal of Pharmaceuticals published a review of the therapeutic potential of CBD in ischemic stroke. He investigated new mechanisms through which cannabidiol can exert its brain effects. The study authors hypothesized that CBD may enhance its neuroprotective properties by modulating the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and various receptors in the body.

They also reported that Researchers believe these procedures can be used to prevent ailments that typically occur after a stroke. A study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences also found that CBD induces antioxidant and neuroprotective effects in the brains of mice.

In a 2017 study, cannabidiol was also found to reduce brain damage and improve functional recovery in stroke mice. Researchers learned that CBD administration resulted in a reduction in neuronal loss, which is common in stroke. The compound is known to have vasodilatory effects, causing vasodilation and hypotension. Both of these properties can be used as protection against stroke-associated cerebrovascular damage.

Additionally, CBD is also considered a therapeutic candidate for stroke prevention due to its interaction with the ECS. The compound can stop the progression of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease in which fats and other substances build up in the artery walls. This buildup increases the risk of a stroke.

Although the findings suggest that CBD could be a potential treatment for stroke, most of these studies were conducted on animals. A direct clinical study involving people has yet to be done to show that CBD can effectively treat stroke patients.

How CBD Oil Works To Help Strokes

Although the mechanism of CBD remains unclear, experts believe the compound stimulates its brain effects via the ECS and various receptors in the body.

How CBD Oil Works to Help Fight Strokes

Although the mechanism of CBD oil is used in which remains unclear, experts believe the compound mediates its brain-protective effects via the ECS and various receptors in the body.

The ECS is a system in mammals that is said to regulate various body functions, such as that of the nervous system. Researchers believe that the CB1 cannabinoid receptor contributes to neuroprotection and that cannabidiol interacts with it. They concluded that CBD could activate the 5-HT1A receptor, which could lead to functional improvement after cerebral ischemia.

CBD has also been found to increase adenosine levels by interacting with adenosine receptors. Increased adenosine is linked to neuroprotection and reduced inflammation after head trauma. Meanwhile, activation of CB2 receptors is associated with anti-inflammatory action, which the researchers believe is modulated by CBD.

The Pros and Cons of CBD Oil for Stroke

Cannabidiol has been found to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which researchers believe may help prevent conditions associated with strokes. One study showed that CBD reduced brain damage and improved functional recovery in rats with ischemic stroke.

The vascular effects of cannabidiol allow it to produce vasodilation and hypotension, which could be useful against cerebrovascular damage after stroke. CBD is a non-psychotropic chemical compound derived from cannabis plants. It does not cause psychotropic effects, unlike its counterpart, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

One study found that repeated doses of cannabidiol treatment did not appear to make subjects tolerant to the compound.

Buying, transporting, and possessing CBD from hemp plants is now legal, under the US Farm Bill of 2018.

The inconvenient

There is a general lack of studies on cannabidiol and its effectiveness in treating stroke patients, both during the acute development of stroke and in managing the long-term effects after stroke. Most of the studies done on the neuroprotective properties of CBD have been done on animals. Using CBD comes with possible side effects, such as diarrhea, fatigue, and changes in appetite.

Users who decide to buy CBD online run the risk of getting products with inaccurate labels. Cannabidiol and medical marijuana products are not covered by insurance companies.

How CBD Oil Compares To Alternative Stroke Treatments

Diets rich in blueberries, spirulina, and spinach are thought to be beneficial for stroke patients.

In a 2002 study, lab mice fed a blueberry diet for six weeks reportedly had less ischemia-induced brain damage. The authors proposed that the inclusion of blueberries in the diet might have improved ischemic stroke outcomes. Spirulina’s antioxidant property has been attributed to its protective potential against brain damage caused by decreased cerebral blood flow.

Meanwhile, a combination diet containing spinach has been shown to minimize brain damage due to reduced blood flow through blood vessels. By comparison, cannabidiol is thought to have antioxidant and brain-protective effects that may help people with strokes. These properties are why CBD is considered a therapeutic candidate for stroke prevention. CBD administration has also been found to reduce neuronal cell death.

How to choose the right CBD for stroke

When choosing CBD for stroke, users should be aware of the different types of cannabidiol available. Full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolates are the three forms of CBD being sold by brands today.

Products labeled as full-spectrum CBD are those that contain all the natural compounds of Cannabis sativa. It contains high amounts of cannabidiol and trace amounts of flavonoids, terpenes, THC, and other minerals. The second type of CBD is known as broad-spectrum. These products have almost the same content as full-spectrum products, but they do not contain THC.

Users who want to ingest all of the compounds found in the hemp plant, with the exception of THC, often choose to purchase full-spectrum CBD oil. Since THC can cause psychoactive effects, some people choose to avoid purchasing CBD which contains the compound.

The latter variant is called isolate and is the purest form of CBD available. They are often purchased in the form of crystals that can be ground into powder for easy consumption.

CBD isolates have no distinctive taste or smell due to their purity. When choosing a CBD product, it is essential to source only the best possible quality to maximize the potential health benefits of CBD.

Here are some tips that can help people buy quality CBD today:

Ask to see a laboratory report for the chosen CBD product. This document is proof that the ingredient has been properly tested and contains the exact amount of CBD specified on its label. Industrial hemp is the best source of CBD because it is rich in CBD and has a minimal presence of THC. Learn about the laws surrounding the use of CBD in the region where you wish to purchase the compound. Although CBD is legal in most states, the laws on its use can change.

When shopping from a dispensary, make sure they have the proper authorization to sell CBD in the area. Seek the advice of a doctor, especially a medical cannabis expert, before purchasing any CBD product.

CBD dosage for stroke

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved dosing guidelines for CBD. Therefore, it is difficult to know what the right dose of CBD can improve the quality of life of stroke victims. Despite this situation, interested users can refer to previous studies and the dosage that was applied to determine an appropriate dose of CBD.

In one study, healthy volunteers were given 3 mg/kg of cannabidiol per day for thirty days and weekly changes were observed. The researchers found that the subjects tolerated the compound well and showed no signs of toxicity or negative side effects after the trial. Meanwhile, the highest CBD dose in one study was 1500 mg per day. The study reported that chronic use and high doses of CBD were well tolerated in humans as well.

How to Take CBD Oil for Stroke

Taking CBD hemp oil using tinctures is one of the fastest ways to get cannabidiol into the body. Sublingual administration is considered a more effective form of administration than the traditional oral route, especially when required immediately.

Another way to quickly deliver CBD to the body is to inhale the compound. Many brands sell cannabidiol vaporizers that allow users to vaporize CBD. Administering CBD into the lungs is considered an effective delivery method due to its rapid onset of action and high bioavailability.

However, the use of CBD vaporizers and other electronic cigarettes is not recommended as they are often associated with lung problems. Another way to consume cannabidiol is through gummies, cookies, capsules, and tablets. CBD edibles can be treated as snacks, while capsules and tablets can be used similarly to supplements.

What is a stroke?

A stroke, or brain attack, occurs when something blocks the blood supply to the brain or when a blood vessel near the brain bleeds (which can also cause brain tissue to compress, further cutting off the blood supply to the brain). Brain areas can be damaged in any way.

Whenever something blocks blood flow, brain cells begin to die from lack of oxygen. This scenario is what causes a stroke.

The two types of strokes are:

Ischemic stroke: 

This is a form of stroke that occurs when blood clots or other particles prevent blood from reaching the brain. Fatty deposits known as plaque can also cause blockages when they build up in your blood vessels.

Hemorrhagic stroke: 

This type of stroke occurs when a blood vessel near the brain bursts, causing blood to pool and damage the surrounding area.

Both forms of stroke damage brain cells and cause neurological damage.

A stroke can have the following signs and symptoms:

Sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body

Sudden inability to see properly

Sudden difficulty understanding speech or speaking, sudden trouble walking, lack of coordination, or loss of balance

Severe headaches with no known cause

Having a heart condition known as atrial fibrillation (AFib) increases your risk of stroke. People with atrial fibrillation have an abnormal heart rhythm, which can cause blood to clot in the heart, which can flow back to the brain and cause a stroke.

High blood pressure is also believed to increase the risk of stroke.

What is the standard treatment for a stroke?

Treatment of a stroke patient begins as soon as she arrives at the hospital. From there, they can receive emergency medical care, treatment to prevent future strokes, rehabilitation, or all three.

Patients who arrive at the hospital within three hours of the first symptoms of an ischemic stroke may be given a type of medication called a thrombolytic. This medicine aims to break down blood clots. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is known as a thrombolytic and has been shown to improve the chances of recovery after a stroke. However, many stroke victims do not make it to the hospital in time to receive such treatment.

For specific hemorrhagic strokes, endovascular procedures may be necessary. A tube is inserted into an artery and then guided to the site to repair damage or stop bleeding. Surgery is needed to treat most hemorrhagic strokes. For a specific type of bleeding, a metal clip may be inserted to stop the blood loss. In some cases, patients may have long-term or even lifelong disabilities after a stroke.

Some post-stroke problems that may persist include:

  • Difficulty perceiving, thinking, learning, paying attention, and remembering.
  • Problems understanding or forming speech.
  • Problems expressing or controlling emotions.
  • Tremors and problems with bladder control
  • depression. 
  • Rehabilitation after a stroke can include working with physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists. 
  • Medication and therapy can help people cope with depression or other mental disorders after a stroke.

Joining a patient support group can be beneficial for stroke survivors to help them cope.

How to prevent a stroke

Choosing a healthy lifestyle is one way a person can help prevent strokes.

Choosing healthy meals and snacks can help prevent strokes. Staying fit is essential, as being overweight or obese can increase your chances of having a stroke. Regular physical activity keeps people healthy by lowering their cholesterol levels and blood pressure. For most adults, you should get at least two hours and thirty minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week.

Avoiding smoking can reduce the chances of having a stroke. You should also avoid drinking a lot of alcohol, as it can lead to hypertension.


Recent studies have shown that cannabidiol has brain protective properties that can be used to treat stroke patients.

CBD is said to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that can be helpful in preventing strokes. The researchers also found that CBD exerts vascular activity that may be useful in protecting against the cerebrovascular damage commonly associated with strokes.

However, most cannabidiol studies have been done on animals. Many of the potential health benefits of CBD are based on its effects in animal models. Concerned users are advised to consult a physician before purchasing any CBD product. A physician experienced and familiar with medical marijuana is recommended.

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